I've been really busy! I've been working on the wedding. All I have to say is: I don't understand how someone could plan a full scale wedding more than once. Even with the help of family and friends, it's been stressful.
Yesterday a box with some of the wedding stuff was at the front door. In it were the groomsmen's gifts, as well as our cake cutter set, and toasting glasses. I figured Richard would pick out the cheapest set, but no, he picked out a really nice set. I was really pleased. I decided that I would like to take the toasting glasses and make a shadowbox to place them in with a picture of us on our wedding day, so we decided to get them engraved.

Although it's not a picture of the full stemware, it's still gorgeous.
The weirdest part of it is seeing my new name. It's like it just hit me.
I know people say that nothing changes when they get married; that it's just a piece of paper that the government recognizes your union. But I guess to me it's a bit different.
I've built my profession under my maiden name. My clients and colleagues know me as Sara Osborn. It's weird to think in a few months that I will have to (in a way) re-create that foundation as Sara Chambers. I know I could always keep my maiden name, hyphenate my name, or keep my maiden name professionally, but I think that would get pretty confusing, and when you go to apply for stuff there's only so many boxes to spell out your name. That would get annoying. I don't see how P. Diddy ( or Puff Daddy, or Diddlie-dee, or whatever his name is this week, has done it so many times.)
I read online that some couples are being "progressive" and mixing up their last names to make one new name. I don't know how it would sound to have my dad introduce us as "Mr. and Mrs. Chamberborn." Nah. Don't like it.
As I've stated before, change is difficult for me, and this is one more change that I will encounter. After the last six months, this should be no big deal. Plus, now that I look at it, I kind of like the sound of it :)